Postoji jedan francuski specijalitet koji se zove ratataouille koji se služi kao prilog i u stvari se radi o dinstanom povrću, a mi bi ga nazvali đuveč. Donosimo vam recept za sočnu piletinu u đuveču.
Bol i oticanje koje uzrokuje sinusna infekcija su veoma neugodni i pomalo misterija. Ako vas muče sinusne infekcije onda ste na pravom mestu jer vam mi donosimo kako da se borite protiv ove bolesti potpuno prirodnim lekovima.
Focus is an important life skill that your child will benefit from in school, work and their personal life. Help them improve their focus during play time with this free and printable advanced coloring page.
Help your child increase their concentration with a fun activity! Coloring pages are a great resource for keeping your distracted child interested and their brain active. Encourage them to finish the whole page to increase their concentration.
Art activities have numerous benefits for children ranging from helping them focus their attention to keeping them relaxed and increasing their motor skills!